I feel the need to address the subject of this April’s Super Full Pink Moon….. how could I not with my company’s moniker?
When I chose the name for my company Pink Moon Market I had no idea that there was a yearly Pink Full Moon. The name just came to me one day, and loving moon phases, the color pink, and the playful ring of it, I decided to just go with it. So fast forward to tonight and we are going to be illuminated by this bright and beautiful Super Full Pink Moon. This motivated me to do a little research to fully understand what my company’s name stands for. I was not disappointed.

The Full Pink Moon is every April, but this evening’s moon is a Super Moon because it is passing the Earth near the closest point in its orbit. Even though the name implies that it will be pink, this is not so. Native American Tribes gifted each full moon with a name which represented the season of the year. The Pink Moon was inspired from a pink, flowery ground cover, creeping or moss phlox, found in North America in the vicinity of the Appalachian Mountains to Southern Georgia. I imagine that many moons ago the effect of the full moon on fields of pink flowers would take your breath away.
Spiritually speaking, the spring time full moon embraces the energetic theme of rebirth and renewal. The moon is a feminine symbol of enlightenment and change. Pink is the universal color of unconditional love, affection, compassion, harmony and inner peace and is the sweet side of the color red. It is associated with the Heart, Third Eye and Crown chakra, which is your divine connection and divine unity with other beings and the universe.
Somehow I think my name found me and not the other way around. Although embracing playfulness is always at the top of my list, may my company name also inspire unconditional love and generosity.
Live by the sun but Love by the Moon.